Understanding the importance of Real Estate Photography.
Prime reasons that photography is the key component to a home seller are; classified ads are a thing of the past, real estate brochures/print magazines cannot accurately keep up with the hot inventory turn over by the time they print, and quiet frankly everything is has gone digital. Everyone is looking with their eyes these days. There are real estate listings EVERYWHERE online. I am not even going to sit and try to list them all. Let's face it you gotta have pictures. Ask yourself what, and how do YOU search for real estate ? Blindly ? Probably not. There are very few buyers that buy a home sight unseen and if they do they are probably investing to flip anyways.
Zillow facts and figures show the digital medium for marketing sits respectively at the top of the list with computer, mobile, and smartphone resources with print media dropping to the bottom.

As you can also see one of the regrets of homebuyers was also wanting to use additional or different online resources.

Do you want this for an ad ?
4/2.5/2 home with library/loft, eat in breakfast room, light airy white kitchen, stately foyer, formal and casual living area, split his and hers main suite bathrooms with garden tub.......... or would you prefer to just SEE IT ?
Ask your realtor how they plan to market your home. Are they going to hire a professional photographer ? You'd be shocked at the number of them that do it from their cellphones. And the next statement is "why is that so bad?" Ask yourself that same question again. Would you do it without proper lighting, staging, and editing let someone come in and photograph your home as is. Try it yourself and then ask yourself if you SHOULD try to sell your home like that.
In next weeks blog I will talk in regards to getting your home ready for the photo session. I also have a short video on my services webpage also if you want to check it out as well.
See you next week.