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Updated: Sep 29, 2023

Every industry has a bottom line to make money. The photography business is no different. If everyone were to think "they are just photos I can take myself" we'd be out of business. But we are not. Because you are busy being good at what you do every day, I am busy being a damn good photographer every day. The point is we all have a skillset that comes with a price tag. If we could do "the thing" ourselves we would, for cheaper but sometimes it's just not possible and it becomes necessary to go to the person with the skillset and pay them to do it for us. That being said it is also not just a professional skillset you are hiring. It's the tools, the supplies, the transportation, the advertising, the accounting, etc, etc. that comes with that service or skill for hire. All of that is the bottom line. The bottom line is to make money to pay for all that and make some for ourselves to live off of. Often times we take for granted all THOSE other things when considering hiring someone to do "the thing" we cannot. And suddenly the price seems so much different when you have to factor in all that. It is fair to say we all want "the best price" when it comes to what we pay for in services and products. No argument here. But is the discount the priority or the quality ? It would be better to sacrifice cost for quality and it doesn't always means quality is the most expensive. Quality and value are only relative to you in that moment for what you are trying to accomplish. So next time you think about negotiating your price, consider negotiating your need instead. Pay for what you need. Hire, what you need. If it's an experienced lawyer then find "the one" that will provide what you need. Your have bottom line also of what you are able to afford. You have to shop based on your bottom line to get what you need. I have a cost. You have the need and that is the bottom line.

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When it comes to our jobs as an inspector and photographer there isn't JUST one tool that gets the job done. A while back I spoke to the importance of the photograph being everything. The truth is the equipment that goes behind getting the right photo is far more than just a camera or cell phone. The equipment that goes into inspecting a home isn't just a set of eyes. There is digital equipment, large scale equipment like ladders, and small hand tools to help an inspector give a quality inspection. We have worked with some awesome vendors to get the items that we really need for our jobs. I have been really happy working with several camera companies but truly KEH Camera has been a lifesaver for me. I can trust them when I make decisions about my photography business needs. I can't say enough about them.

Brad continues to build his repertoire of tools constantly as the industry is evolving. There is never a lack of new technology to assist what he does. We never stop learning, and never stop gaining tools and equipment in work or in life.

I feel as though the number one tool we strive to use is our quality customer service. Being ourselves, being personable, approachable, comfortable, and honest is very important to us. We love communicating with people on a personal level. We want our clients to be comfortable, and confident in their decision to work with us. It's the way customer service should be.

We are looking forward to serving the San Antonio community for many years.

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I did not post last week as I was under the weather. My post today will have everything to do with homes but not in the normal fashion. The name Frame to Frame embodies that building that provides shelter to us, our homes. Our homes are our sanctuary, our refuge. Sometimes that is threatened by outer forces beyond our control. Then is when those of us who still live between the frames are so thankful for everything they offer us.

Today is my Thankful Thursday because God protected my family for the last 48 hours. They have survived the wrath of Ian. Their frames protected them and sheltered them. I may be in San Antonio but I stayed by their side throughout it. The last 48 has been my calling to be their eyes and ears when they had none. As I did with Hurricane Irma I kept watch of the situations if and when they went dark. I am blessed to be able to do so. I do not ask for any gratitude in that manner. I consider it a opportunity to do my tiny part.

If you have friends and family that have been affected I ask that you help them now in any tiny part you can. I realize the American Red Cross is a great organization but I also urge to consider donating to Team Rubicon. They are a hands on volunteer recover, and rebuild effort that is so vital. Anyway you can help is so crucial to a quick a recovery. Please consider it.

Lastly keep lineman and electrical crews, and recovery crews in your prayers over the next days and weeks. They need it too. God bless you all today and be thankful.

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